
Monday, April 24, 2006

TTT 17 -- Word Autoformat

TTT17 moves into the domain of Microsoft, detailing steps to help tame the Microsoft Word "Autoformat" functions. These can be extraordinarily helpful, especially if you typically misspell certain words (I personally can't seem to type New Yourk--SEE! "New York," that is, without adding a u in it, as if my fingers really want me to be typing "your" when my mind thinks "york." The other thing I do (infrequently but enough to bug me) is type the first two letters of a capitalized word in capitals, as in STeve or NEw YOurk. Well, I can set my Word autocorrect features to deal with those sorts of things. In the computer lab I want the thing off completely, and at the first of the school year (and periodically thereafter, since individual users may override my changes) I check and reset "Check Grammar as you type" and "Check Spelling as you type" to my preferred unchecked setting.

Listen up, enjoy, and for this one you really want to listen several times or at least be sure to "ride that pause button" as you may.

Music today by Podsafe Music Network's Mike Norton, from a compilation called "Music from Mano," an instru-bash called "From the Disk."



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